I combine purposeful strategy with powerful design to help clients define their identities.


Dennis is a designer based in Melbourne, Australia specialising in brand design, UX/UI design and visualisation. He has a fresh perspective on visual communication and design principles, which he uses to craft unique and eye-catching brands, design user-centred interfaces, and bring products to life in 3D.


Brand Design

Brand Design

The process of creating a visual identity, including logos, typography, colour palettes, and imagery, that will be used across all marketing materials and customer touchpoints.

UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design

The process of designing and improving the user experience of a digital product, such as a website or app, by focusing on usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction of the end-user.

Product Visualisation

Product Visualisation

The process of creating 3D representations of a product, allowing clients to envision their product even before it exists, as an alternative to expensive photography and physical prototypes.


Deakin University

Deakin University

Deakin University

Malthouse Theatre

Malthouse Theatre

Malthouse Theatre

Creative Geelong

Creative Geelong

Creative Geelong




Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

A comprehensive list of clients can be provided upon request.

Dennis Ioannou